Adhiraj Industries is top producers of clothes and equipment for the Indian army, paramilitary forces, and NCC. For our valiant soldiers, we manufacture clothing of the highest calibre.

About Adhiraj Industries

Our Story

Adhiraj Industries is a company that sells a variety of high-quality goods geared at adventurers, and military personal. We use the best components to create long-lasting goods. We are committed to offering the best products and customer service to our customers. Welcome to Adhiraj Industries, where cost and dependability converge.

Our Mission

Adhiraj Industries has created a manufacturing ecosystem in Abohar, which includes Indian Military units operating in harsh environments, and it to provide extremely high-quality equipment for Our Army And NCC Cadets. where we are getting our premium raw materials from, The greatest producers. Our product design and technology offer safety as well as perfect for even the most use.
